Lent is a six week journey to the cross. As disciples we are called to be like Christ; to pick up our cross and carry it to salvation. It’s a journey that takes courage, strength, endurance, and sacrifice. All of which we gain through practicing the Three Pillars of Lent: Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving.
Prayer: “Mass is the most perfect form of prayer.” – Pope St. Paul VI
The Mass is the perfect prayer of Jesus to God the Father. It makes present the sacrifice Jesus offered on the cross as a true expression of His love for each of us. As members of the Body of Christ, we are able to take part in this prayer. We encourage the faithful body of Holy Trinity to renew your commitment to attending Mass and all liturgies this Lenten Season, to kindle your desire for the Eucharist, and thirst for a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Click Here for a Lenten Prayer written by the Holy Trinity Prayer Team!
Fasting: Fast in Fellowship & Feed Your Soul Fridays
For the first time ever at our parish, we will gather together every Friday of Lent to fast in fellowship and feed our souls. Join your Holy Trinity Community for a simple Lenten meal of soup, salad, and bread prepared by some of our very own ministries. Dinner is only $10 per person. To best prepare, please RSVP online. Walk up availability is limited. Click Here to RSVP Online!
After dinner, we will gather in the church for the Stations of the Cross also presented by Holy Trinity ministries. On select Fridays, we have some incredible speakers and presentations that you will not want to miss.
- Friday, March 10 – Father Al Baca: Eucharistic Revival
- In a world where not many people know Jesus intimately, the Eucharistic Revival is meant to show everyone what wonders the True Presence of Jesus can do to heal the soul. Father Al Baca is the former Director of Evangelization for the Diocese of Orange. Although retired, with the power of the Holy Spirit, Father Al Baca continues to further the mission of Christ by sharing his passion for the Eucharist.
- Friday, March 17 – Father Donald Calloway: No Turning Back, A Witness to Mercy
- The story of Donald Calloway’s journey from runaway teen to Marian priest has touched the hearts and changed the lives of thousands of people. His witness proves a key truth of our faith: Between Jesus, the Divine Mercy, and Mary, the Mother of Mercy, there’s no reason to give up hope on anyone, no matter how far they are from God. He sharing his conversion story live in person with Holy Trinity!
- Lenten Dinner is *SOLD OUT* on March 17! If you did not get the chance to sign up for dinner, PLEASE come Feed Your Soul at Stations of the Cross presented by the Holy Trinity Youth Ministry at 6:30pm and Father Donald Calloway’s conversion story at 7:00pm!
- Friday, March 31 – Stations of the Cross with Musical Reflections by the Holy Trinity Worship Band
- The Holy Trinity Worship Band leads us closer to Jesus every Sunday at the 8:30am and 10:30am Mass. Experience the Stations of the Cross ever so fully, like never before, with musical reflections by our very own worship band!
Almsgiving: “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to The Lord, and He will repay him for his deed”
– Proverbs 19-17
Continuing with our parish’s Lenten tradition, the Holy Trinity Outreach Ministry has organized a donation drive for each week of Lent. Your Almsgiving Donations provide supplies for many local charitable organizations so that they can adequately continue their mission. Collections will be before and after every Mass. Please see the schedule linked below for details. Thank you for providing basic essentials for those in need. Click Here for the Lend to the Lord Almsgivng Schedule!

Lenten Dinner is *SOLD OUT* on March, 17. If you did not get the chance to sign up for dinner, PLEASE come Feed Your Soul at Stations of the Cross presented by the Holy Trinity Youth Ministry at 6:30pm and Father Donald Calloway’s conversion story at 7:00pm!