Children’s Liturgy of the Word (known as CLOW) is the Liturgy of the Word adapted as a worship experience for children between kindergarten and fifth grade, helping them understand the Gospel message and participate at “their” level. Therefore, the Catechist and Adult volunteers support their Sunday obligation and fully participate in reception of Holy Communion.
CLOW is offered Sundays at Holy Trinity during the Sunday 8:30am & 10:30am Masses, with the exception of a few major holidays. The children attend the beginning of Mass with their parents until the end of the Introductory Rites. The priest will invite the children to come forward for a blessing and dismiss them from Mass with the CLOW Catechist and Adult support. They will return to the church immediately after the Prayers of the Faithful.
“Yes Lord!”
For more information please contact:
Jennifer Cahuantzi, Director of Faith Formation
Email: jcahuantzi@holytrinityladera.org
Phone: (949) 218-3131
“Permit the children to come to me, do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” – Mark 10:13