Biblically, a Jubilee Celebration is about observing an extended Sabbath and honoring a year of rest (Lev. 25). A Jubilee Year is consecrated when liberty is proclaimed to the land and all its inhabitants. It is also a year of blessings when God restores and reconciles all things in Christ! (Eph 1:10).

The 20th Jubilee of Holy Trinity Catholic Church is a major milestone celebrating divine life, blessings and service to the faithful people of God for the past two decades with fond memories starting from “Mass on the Grass” to the present day where we worship God in a beautiful Church building. This time is also a call to trust the Triune God more in moving forward as a parish community, seeking His abundant blessings on all our parish community members as we journey as “Pilgrims of Hope” honoring our parish mission to put God first above all things. Like the Israelite’s, together let us sing “He is good, and His love endures forever”. (2 Chron. 7:3).

On Friday, February 7th at 7pm we will host Catholic faith advocate and acclaimed actor, Jim Caviezel. Best known for his portrayal of Jesus in Passion of the Christ and his recent role in Sound of Freedom, Jim will be sharing his testimony and encouraging us to live out our call to be faithful people of God. This is a unique opportunity for him to share his story, just a month out from starting production on The Passion of Christ: Resurrection.

Apart of our journey forward is taking a moment to look back on all our fond memories and achievements as a parish! Please upload any historic pictures you have to share, thank you!

Generous and merciful Father,

In this Jubilee Year and the 20th anniversary of our founding as Holy Trinity Catholic Church, we praise and thank You for all the blessings we have received.  Under your watchful and loving eye, we have grown from a small seed to a thriving and welcoming parish family.  We are thankful for the lives of those You have called home to Yourself, those who helped build this vibrant community of love and service.

As we enter this year of Jubilee, a year of spiritual renewal, we ask you to touch our hearts anew with love for your Son, to enlighten our minds through the Holy Spirit, to strengthen us for service and sacrifice, and to give us the courage to give back to You with our time, talent and treasure.  We are Pilgrims of Hope, looking to restore all things in Christ, to strengthen our Christian fellowship. 

As we adore you, O God, who alone are holy and wonderful in all your Saints, we implore your grace so that, coming to perfect holiness in the fullness of your love, we may pass from this pilgrim table to the banquet of your heavenly homeland.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. 
