Lent is a six week journey to the cross. As disciples we are called to be like Christ; to pick up our cross and carry it to salvation. It’s a journey that takes courage, strength, endurance, and sacrifice. All of which we gain through practicing the Three Pillars of Lent: Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving.

Prayer: “Mass is the most perfect form of prayer.” – Pope St. Paul VI

The Mass is the perfect prayer of Jesus to God the Father. It makes present the sacrifice Jesus offered on the cross as a true expression of His love for each of us. As members of the Body of Christ, we are able to take part in this prayer. We encourage the faithful body of Holy Trinity to renew your commitment to attending Mass and all liturgies this Lenten Season, to kindle your desire for the Eucharist, and thirst for a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

Fasting: Lenten Dinners & Stations of the Cross

We will gather together every Friday of Lent for a simple meal and time of prayer and reflection. Join your Holy Trinity Community for a Lenten meal prepared by some of our very own ministries. Dinner is only $10 per person. To best prepare, please RSVP online. Walk up availability is limited.

Click Here to RSVP Online!

Friday, March 7

5:30pm Fish Dinner Provided by the Knights of Columbus

6:30pm Stations of the Cross Presented by Elementary Faith Formation

Friday, March 14

5:30pm Lenten Dinner Provided by the FIL-AM Ministry

6:30pm Stations of the Cross Presented by Holy Trinity Youth Ministry

Friday, March 21

5:30pm Lenten Dinner Provided by the Hispanic Community

6:30pm Stations of the Cross Presented by the Lector Ministry

Friday, March 28

5:30pm Cheese Pizza & Salad Provided by the Holy Trinity Clergy & Staff

6:30pm Stations of the Cross Presented by the Women’s Ministry

Friday, April 4

5:30pm Baked Potato Bar Provided by the Eucharistic Ministers

6:30pm Stations of the Cross Presented by the Men’s Ministry

Friday, April 11

5:30pm Fish Dinner Provided by the Knights of Columbus

6:30pm Live Stations of the Cross with Musical Reflections by the HT Music Ministries

Almsgiving: “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to The Lord, and He will repay him for his deed” – Proverbs 19-17

Continuing with our parish’s Lenten tradition, the Holy Trinity Outreach Ministry has organized a donation drive for each week of Lent. Your Almsgiving Donations provide supplies for many local charitable organizations so that they can adequately continue their mission. Collections will be before and after every Mass. Please see the schedule linked below for details. Thank you for providing basic essentials for those in need.

Click Here for the Lend to the Lord Almsgiving Schedule!