Who are these men we call Knights? They are the men who are behind every large parish wide event at Holy Trinity including the Fall Wine Classic, Feast of Holy Trinity, Summer Movie Night, and Oktoberfest Ministry Fair and Pumpkin Patch! They are the men who care for our church property and the Priest House. They serve as ushers, teachers of our faith, lectors, technology stewards, and as security. These men we call Knights are our everyday heroes!!! We are grateful!!
The words Vivat Jesus! are much more than a slogan or password for the Knights of Columbus. In these words, “Jesus lives!” we find the foundation, meaning and mission of our Order. As Catholics our works of charity are rooted in the divine act of charity revealed in the Eucharist, the Eucharist that is also the source of our unity. The Eucharist is our sublime assurance that Jesus lives and that he is with us!
If you are interested in joining Holy Trinity’s Council #14335,
please contact Grand Knight Ryan Jones at rjonesfwc@gmail.com