As part of their journey towards the Sacrament of Confirmation, candidates are invited to get involved in acts of discipleship (service) in their community. All Candidates are then asked to create a display that highlights their area of service that is shown as part of our Discipleship Display Weekend. After Mass on February 24th/25th we presented these to displays to the parish community in our Parish Hall. This was the first year that we went digital (no more poster boards!) and the candidates did a fantastic job not only with their displays but their acts of love and kindness in their community. Please see the videos below for all of the displays by our Year 2 Candidates. Just press pause if you want more time to read them.

The world calls us to use our gifts and talents are for personal gain – “what do I get out of it? What will it do for me?” God’s call is different; it allows us to share our lives with others in response to knowing our gifts, talents and passions are from God.