Dear Families and Friends,
Bishop Kevin Vann has declared Sunday, June 23 as “360 Sunday” in the Diocese of Orange.
Bishop Vann is urging all Catholics to make their voices heard and let Sacramento legislators know that they oppose Senate Bill 360 which would require priests to violate the seal of confession under state mandated circumstances.
If SB 360 were to pass, Catholic priests would be faced with either violating state law or breaking the seal of confession. As such, this legislation represents a violation of our country’s fundamental right to religious freedom as upheld by our Constitution.
As the Bill moves ahead from the Senate to the Assembly, Bishop Vann asks all Catholics to visit to learn more about the proposed legislation and to sign an online petition which will automatically be routed to your Assembly representative.
To go directly to the petition please click below. Following is Bishop Vann’s letter on Senate Bill 360 and call to action.
Click here to sign the petition to oppose the bill targeting the “Seal of Confession”
In Christ,
Fr. Reynold Furrell