Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It has been almost two months since we last gathered for parish events, activities; and celebrated Mass together in Church. I really miss you all and have been praying for you especially when I celebrate Mass these days, asking God to bless, protect, and keep you safe in his loving arms. I enjoy reading your emails and seeing your pictures, receiving your texts and talking with you on phone. It is so nice of you to reach out asking how we are doing, and also offering us help and support.

During this time, I take the opportunity to reflect and listen to God’s voice, discern God’s will and put my trust in him. I pray and ask him for guidance, comfort, healing of the community, friends, and those who are suffering from fear, uncertainty, and inconvenience caused by the pandemic. I realize that the more we journey together in happiness and joy, in sadness and fears, in pains and sufferings, the more we become closer in friendship and relationship, in the love of God who gives us the commandment and calls us to have love for one another as he loves us.

In his love, I believe God had some purpose as he sent me to Holy Trinity Church to learn and experience parish life, to be with the community and serve as a seminarian about ten years ago and as a Parochial Vicar this time. Some of you may still remember me when I stayed here for about ten weeks during one summer. I enjoyed being with the community and seeing you at Mass and parish activities. I agree with many of you who share that God blesses our Church and fills it with love so that we can feel warmth and welcoming when we come to Church.

These years, I have learned from the faith you share, the love you bring, the courage and support you offer. All of these helped me to grow spiritually, to improve my skills in priestly ministry, to see that God loves and cares for each one of us, and continues to help and protect all his children. There is so much to be thankful for.

Last week, Bishop Vann assigned me to serve at Holy Spirit Church in Fountain Valley beginning July 1st. I am thankful for the new assignment and for the great opportunity to serve the people of God in the local Church, in the Diocese of Orange. I thank God for bringing us together these years in love and service, in support and in faith. Please continue to support and pray for our spiritual home at Holy Trinity Church, for the priests who are coming, for our parish staff, and for Fr. Reynold and me.

With prayers, I hope this difficult time will be over soon; and God willing, we may see each other again and rejoice.

In Christ,

Fr. John

If your heart desires, the following link is provided for anyone who wishes to contribute to Fr John’s retirement or give a monetary gift of thanks