CLOW Update

Children’s Liturgy of the Word dismissal for the Sunday 8:30am and 10:30am Mass times needs your help!  If this is an area of ministry you have considered joining, faithful servants will be outside Mass on Sunday, August 11 after the 8:30am and 10:30am Mass times to answer any questions or concerns!  We are in prayer for additional servants in the vineyard to be able to continue this most precious ministry.

Parent(s) and their children are invited to a special Children’s Liturgy of the Word dismissal on Sunday, August 18 at the 8:30am and 10:30am Mass times.  Parent(s) please come forward with your child when the Celebrant calls children from kindergarten to fourth grade to the altar.  The Celebrant will bless all children and parents at the altar, both child and parent(s) will come into the meeting room and return to the church following the prayers of the faithful.   We look forward to serving parent(s) and children on this most special day! 

Women’s Ministry Field Trip to Christ Cathedral

DATE: Tuesday, August 13th

TIME: 8:30am Mass at Holy Trinity

9:00am – Carpool from Holy Trinity (or self-drive)

10:00am – Guided tour – one hour walking tour (which
will NOT include the inside of the actual church as construction
on the organ will be in progress; you can see the inside if you
attend Mass on the weekend.)

– Optional self-pay lunch at Lucille’s (across the street)
Families are invited (Young ones are included if you are
willing to remove them from the tour if they are distracting the
tour guide/group.)

PLEASE RSVP: We will need to have a count for the tour
and for restaurant seating. Click here to sign up.

For questions, please contact Vicki Thompson at or (949) 652-5239

Future Fr. Joe

On Saturday, July 27th Deacon Joe will be ordained into the Priesthood of Jesus Christ. On Sunday, July 28th Fr Joseph Squillacioti will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving at Holy Trinity at 5:30pm. All are welcome! A reception and first blessing will follow after Mass.

Safe Families Update

An update on the Safe Families Ministry – Currently, two hostings are taking place in our parish. Families are hosting three sisters – ages 10, 9 and 5 – for a single mom of six who is currently looking for housing in Orange County, as well as a 5-month-old boy whose mom is also working to secure housing. If you are able to support these children and host families with items along with your prayers, please bring any of the following into the office:

Meal cards, Amazon/Target/Grocery Gift Cards!!

For Baby: Size 2 diapers, new or gently used clothes size 6-9 months, Enfamil ProSobee Formula 

God bless you! If you would like to find our more about Safe Families please click here.

The Safe Families Team

Welcome, Deacon Joe!

Deacon Joe Squillacioti will be back at Holy Trinity for the summer! Prior to being ordained a Transitional Deacon, “Seminarian Joe” spent a year with us at Holy Trinity as part of his journey to the priesthood. After his ordination to the Priesthood, he will be spending a couple of months with us before returning to Rome to continue his studies.

Deacon Joe will be ordained to the Priesthood on Saturday, July 27th at Christ Cathedral. He will then celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving at Holy Trinity on Sunday, July 28th at 5:30pm Mass. A reception and First Blessings will follow after Mass.


All are invited to our BBQ & Family Movie on Saturday, August 3rd. Immediately following the 5:00pm Mass (6:00pm) we will gather on the grass for food, fun, and a film. RSVP BELOW!

Beach chairs? Check! Blankets? Check! Confirmed our attendance? Check!

We want to keep our grass area thriving! Beach chairs & blankets can be put out after Mass. There will be games for all to enjoy prior to the movie beginning at dusk. To better prepare for the meal, please register your friends and family below. A donation of $5.00 per person or $20.00 per family will be collected that evening.

Contact: Diana Leary –


During the summer donations slow down for South County Outreach so they need help filling their shelves. On the same weekend as our BBQ & Family Movie (Sat 3rd / Sun 4th August) we will be collecting the following items after all Mass times. Thank you for your generosity!

  • Peanut Butter
  • Jelly (all flavors)
  • Oatmeal (packages and small cylinder containers – all flavors)
  • Breakfast Bars (granola/protein – Quaker brand is popular)
  • Canned Fruit (any kind)

July 4th Parade

Holy Trinity will be walking the Ladera Ranch 4th of July community parade! If you are interested in your family participating, please contact Brian at for details.

We will be carrying signage (thank you Anita Depauw) representing areas of ministry and handing out items as we walk. Along with our own Holy Trinity Catholic church music playing and carrying hand held bubble blowers! It is sure to be a fun event with your children’s decorated wagons & bikes.

Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time

Dear Parish Family of Holy Trinity,
This coming weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, also known as the Feast of Corpus Christi. This solemnity has its origins in the 1260’s after a Eucharistic miracle occurred in Bolsena, Italy. A priest on a pilgrimage to Orvieto, stopped to celebrate Mass in Bolsena. At the time of consecration, the host began to bleed. This miracle prompted Pope Uraban IV to create the feast to celebrate the real presence of Jesus’ Body and Blood in the Eucharistic.
Do you believe that Jesus is really present in Eucharist? Or, do you believe the bread and wine are just symbols of Jesus, but Jesus is not really present? READ MORE…

Senate Bill 360

Dear Families and Friends,

Bishop Kevin Vann has declared Sunday, June 23 as “360 Sunday” in the Diocese of Orange.

Bishop Vann is urging all Catholics to make their voices heard and let Sacramento legislators know that they oppose Senate Bill 360 which would require priests to violate the seal of confession under state mandated circumstances.

If SB 360 were to pass, Catholic priests would be faced with either violating state law or breaking the seal of confession. As such, this legislation represents a violation of our country’s fundamental right to religious freedom as upheld by our Constitution.

As the Bill moves ahead from the Senate to the Assembly, Bishop Vann asks all Catholics to visit to learn more about the proposed legislation and to sign an online petition which will automatically be routed to your Assembly representative.

To go directly to the petition please click below. Following is Bishop Vann’s letter on Senate Bill 360 and call to action.

Click here to sign the petition to oppose the bill targeting the “Seal of Confession”


In Christ,

Fr. Reynold Furrell
